Website Inactive
The London in 2014 bid website is no longer active. Now that we have won the bid, the convention website is at — please visit that website to join the convention or see the latest news
London in 2014 Parties at Aussiecon 4
3 September, 2010 - 02:54
There will be two London in 2014/UK & Irish fandom "hospitality events" at Aussiecon 4, both in the Crowne Plaza hotel.
On Friday, we're in the Corporate Lounge (upstairs from reception) at 9pm.
On Saturday, we're in Bridge 1 (downstairs from reception), again at 9pm.
We'll be serving UK specialties including whisky and Pimms. If you're attending Aussiecon 4, come along and say hello, and find out more about the bid.